Release Date: Summer, 2010 (estimated)
Release Date Notes: (4/19/07) Sony hasn't officially announced any plans for a release date yet, but a summer release is a sure thing, and it will probably be in either 2009 or 2010. With many changes in the cast and crew possible between the third and fourth movie, 2010 seems most likely at this point, unless Sony announces 2009.
Distributor: Columbia Pictures (Sony)
Cast: None announced yet.
Cast Notes: (4/19/07) Currently, no cast members are known to be signed for any 'Spider-Man' projects past Spider-Man 3. The biggest question marks are Tobey Maguire and Kirsten Dunst as Peter Parker and Mary Jane Watson, with other cast members possibly more likely to return, depending on the direction that the fourth movie takes.
Director: Not announced yet.
Director Notes: (4/19/07) Although some of the cast members were signed up for three movies, director Sam Raimi has come back to the web-slinger individually each time, so currently, he's not signed to direct this fourth movie. Many projects loom out there as other things he could work on next. An interesting thing to note is that some of the actors have mentioned that their returning also depends upon whether Sam Raimi returns as director. So, if a new director is brought in, that could mean the cast could change drastically.
Screenwriter: David Koepp (Spider-Man, Indiana Jones 4)
Screenwriter Notes: (4/19/07) Sony has hired David Koepp, the writer of the first Spider-Man movie to come back to the franchise to work on this fourth entry.
Based Upon: (4/19/07) This is of course, the fourth movie in the franchise based upon the popular Marvel Comics superhero character, following 2007's Spider-Man 3.
Possible Villains: (4/19/07) Spider-Man has a large rogue's gallery of villains who have yet to be brought to the big screen including Electro, Mysterio, Rhino, the Vulture and many more. Two strong possibilities for this fourth movie are the return of Venom, who is introduced in the second half of Spider-Man 3 and the Lizard (Wikipedia), whose creation has slowly been teased in the second and third movies by the inclusion of Dr. Kurt Connors, as played by Dylan Baker.
Premise: (4/19/07) No details have been revealed yet about what this fourth adventure of Peter Parker, the Spectacular Spider-Man, might be about.
Filming: (4/19/07) There is no filming start date for this project, but it is highly unlikely it would be before 2008.
Genre: Action, Based on a Book, Comic Book, Eye Candy, Science Fiction, Sequel, Superhero
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